What to Do When You're Pissed at the Client Who No-Showed

What to Do When You're Pissed at the Client Who No-Showed

That client canceled at the last minute, again. You didn't mention it before, but now it's getting to be too much. What do you do? It sounds like you’re struggling with having clients treat you the way you want to be treated. Keep reading to learn how to establish clear expectations that will ensure your clients treat you right. The secret lies in your cancellation policy. Let’s clarify so that you can love working with clients without the little headaches or nit-picky blowups!

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Am I an Entrepreneur?

Am I an Entrepreneur?

Technically, if you operate a business, then you're an entrepreneur, however I don't think that was the actual question you were asking. This could be interpreted as an epic question of identity, however, for the purposes of this blog post, I'm going to interpret it as a question about if you have the right skills and qualities to become an entrepreneur. 

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The Big Hurdle of Being an Entrepreneur

The Big Hurdle of Being an Entrepreneur

A lot of being an entrepreneur is a lot more circuitous than a well-laid and direct plan. Whether you're already running your business, or if you're just thinking about it, you can start cultivating the tools you'll need at any time. The sooner you get started, the sooner your business will be thriving and as an added bonus you'll likely be enjoying your business far more! 

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